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What's Being Worked on Right Now


Blood and Bronze

Anime inspired high fantasy

Grant's first attempt at writing a novel, this is the first in an eleven book series inspired by One Piece, Naruto, Wheel of Time, and even The Oddysey. Taking place in a world whose continents were shattered into thousands of islands, we follow The Mythios, a small group of mercenaries trying to survive in a  harsh world where even the gods have abandoned humanity, all the while hunting down those that have wronged them.


Cyberpunk Fantasy

If one thing defines Grant Galvin's writing, it's finding new ways to combine old genres. Legacy is no exception. In a far-flung where Earth is ancient history and only the high walls of the Seven Cities can keep humanity safe, Project Olympus watches over all and polices Kings and Emperors alike. Shotaro, one such Olympian, has a crisis of faith and uses his cybernetic enhancements to go against Olympus and seek out his lost past. Cyberpunk meets High Fantasy with explorations of how we become who we are, and the potentially dangerous consequences of what we leave behind after death. Originally a screenplay, Grant is currently working on adapting it into a novel.


Youtube Channel

Everyone's got one

When you have too much to say and not enough people to say it to, you either become a Redditor or you start a YouTube Channel. With a focus on music, filmmaking, and the creative process in general, Grant's YouTube channel offers insight and more in-depth knowledge of the crafts he discusses than most of his contemporaries. Once you've done the work yourself, it's a lot easier to talk about the important details everyone else misses

Nature Photography

Peace Found in the Beauty

Grant likes to take time whenever possible to walk in nature and try to capture its beauty through the lens of a camera. With over five years of experience working behind a camera, Grant's unique eye for visuals comes to life in these images in ways you must see to truly believe.

See Examples
Projects: Projects
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